Based on a comprehensive survey, we learnt that our employees would like to do more to protect the environment and they would truly appreciate it if our company offered some support with regards to that too. In the spirit of environmental consciousness, we organized a few programs throughout April – for example, an electric car driving session.
Our People
Adventures on four wheels
Based on a comprehensive survey, we learnt that our employees would like to do more to protect the environment and they would truly appreciate it if our company offered some support with regards to that too. In the spirit of environmental consciousness, we organized a few programs throughout April – for example, an electric car driving session.
Thu, Jun 22, 2017 4:30 PM
Thu, Jun 22, 2017 4:30 PM
24 of our employees could experience what it is like to drive an electric car: the session was organized next to our Budapest headquarters. For some of the drivers, it was the first time to see how electric cars work – the day was filled with excitement.
To our question with regards to whether there’ll be another event like this one in the future or not, the answer was, without a doubt, YES!
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